Our Practice

We have expertise in international business disputes, parallel criminal/civil/administrative proceedings, internal and regulatory investigations, federal litigation and appeals involving bank fraud, wire fraud, tax fraud, securities fraud accounting fraud, health care fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, bribery and corruption, forfeiture (civil and criminal), OFAC and False Claims Act matters, and violations of federal statutes such as FLSA, ERISA, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
Whereas most other firms consider civil and criminal law to be almost different professions, we begin with the recognition that complex business disputes nowadays involve overlapping civil, regulatory, and criminal liability. A settlement in a civil fraud case can trigger a criminal fraud prosecution, and vice versa. Electronic discovery has greatly created the risk that a dispute will propagate in multiple proceedings. For this reason, all of our attorneys have extensive backgrounds in both civil and white-collar litigation. This unique experience allows us to provide our business clients the most effective and final resolution of their disputes.
Our typical approach to a case is to seek early global resolution, if possible, in order to minimize the expense of public litigation. We focus aggressively on limiting discovery, protecting privilege, and obtaining early dispositive rulings. Above all, we are trial lawyers. From day one, we prepare every case for the endgame of total vindication in the courtroom.